And then came babies!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Seven weeks old, 6/23/06 -- looking just like a doll!

First picnic in Piedmont Park, 6/16/06 (part three)

First picnic in Piedmont Park, 6/16/06 (part two)

First picnic in Piedmont Park, 6/16/06 (part one)

Five weeks old, 6/9/06

I just can't decide which of these I like best...

My favorite babysitter is my Aunt Grier!

one month birthday, part two (6/5/06)

one month birthday party, part one

Yes, I am crazy for this baby. And yes, I am straight.

more of the long, long story

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

the long, long story

So. You know how, sometimes, just as you're about to tell a really long story, you realize that the people you're telling it to are not going to be interested enough to justify the length of time and amount of detail it will take to tell it right?

Yeah. So. Sorry about posting a thousand of these pictures of Clary on 06/03/05 on the quilt her grandmother and great-grandmother made her, but, y'know. Sorry.