And then came babies!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Clary's Baptism

On September 10th Clary was baptised at All Soul's Fellowship ( and all of the family joined us for a great afternoon!

An Oregon Vacation

After the Idaho wedding, we drove our little uncomfortable rental car over to Sun River, Oregon, just outside of Bend. We joined the Hopps at their cabin, and Clary met her future husband, Rylan, for the first time.

And there is always time for a little outdoor beer festival concert for our hip girl...

An Idaho Wedding

Mid August we went to Red Fish, Idaho for the wedding of Beth and Gary. Besides being a beautiful occasion and a wonderful visit with our friends, Clary got to sport for the first time a Nana-knitted sweater for the sub-freezing weather (remember, this is AUGUST).

And check out Clary's fancy dress!

August, Three months late

Ok, ok. It has been a while since we've shared our little Clary with you. August took us to beautiful Idaho and Oregon, and then Michael and I both started back to work in September... so sad, but Clary loves her "school" and we are adjusting.

I'll start catching you up on the last three months. Here's Clary with her BFF, Lucy Adamson, in August sporting her "3" shirt, indicating that she is 3 months old here!